Dr. Dheeraj P. Arya
India is one of the few countries in the world where women and men have nearly the same life span. But the health status is different for women at all stages of their lives due to multiple social, financial, psychological and educational factors. Women have high mortality & morbidity rates, notably at the time of birth, during childhood and reproductive age. Since the day of their birth, they suffer from varied issues not limiting to inequality in their rights but also to inadequate nutrition, unhyginic menstrual days, physical, mental & sexual abuse, social stigma, domestic violence.
Similarly the condition of children is not healthy in our country,1 in 4 children of school-going age is out of school – 99 million children in total have dropped out of school (Census 2011).Out of every 100 children, only 32 children finish their school education age-appropriately (District Information System for Education (DISE) 2014-15). Only 2% of the schools offer complete school education from Class 1 to Class 12 (District Information System for Education (DISE) 2014-15). There are 10.13 million child labourers between 5-14 years in India (Census 2011).India has 33 million working children between the ages of 5-18 years. In parts of the country, more than half the child population is engaged in labour (Census 2011).Every day, around 150 children go missing in India – kidnapping and abduction is the largest crime against children in our country (National Crime Record Bureau 2016)
I believe that every women & child in India deserves the chance for bright future and sustainable livelihood. Remedial Foundation emphasizes and devoted to improve the lives of women and children through promoting the right to quality & participative healthcare, right to education and sustainable development opportunities.
Mr. C. R. Arya
Vice President & Trustee
Ms Trisha
Mr. Sahil Gupta
Finance Advisor
Mr. Sachin Arya
Information Technology & Planning
Mr. Shubhansh Chandra
Website Development – Webscaler Digital